Wednesday 2 April 2014

12 week pregnancy update

Baby squidge

I'm officially over 12 weeks pregnant now.  One thing I've found that's really confused me is the dating - if you go by the first day of my last period, I should be 13 and a half weeks now, but when I had my scan a week ago, they dated me at 11 weeks then, when the midwife had me down as 12 weeks.  So I never know whether to go by the date the scan people told me, or by the first day of my last period... who knows!  It's all new to me :)

So far my main symptoms have been nausea - but not just generally feeling sick, but feeling nauseous at the thought of certain foods, or when doing things like brushing my teeth, taking my inhaler, coughing etc - then I wretch and it's really horrid!

I've had some heartburn, but earlier in the pregnancy, not much in the last 3 weeks.  I've also had a lower back ache on and off.  Not many food cravings, it's been more like a struggle trying to find food and drink that doesn't make me feel sick, all the normal things I eat (I'm vegetarian and usually eat lots of Quorn) I seem to feel repulsed by.

We've already started picking up little bits and bobs for the baby, little booties and baby grows when we see a good deal on them, but I'm trying to hold off until we find out the sex of the baby, then we can buy more appropriately :)  I'll do a proper 'haul' once we have a bit more, either on here or on my YouTube channel (I might start a new channel just for mummy stuff) :)

Anyway, that's it for now, thanks for reading :)


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  1. I used to be a massive coffee drinker. However when i was pregnant I couldn't the smell let alone taste, it's what gave me away to my commuter buddies. Five years later I still have to really fancy a cup before I go near it! As for dating, it's all guess work... They never believed me on mine either.

    1. Funny you say that - before I found out I was pregnant, on my first day back at work after all the horrible stuff that happened, I grabbed a decaf coffee when I got in (ritual), and it tasted disgusting to me! Haven't had one since! Yeah, we actually know the date we conceived, but the Drs/Midwife didn't seem to care :P

      Do you think you'll have any more?

    2. Well never say never, but not currently planning another x

    3. Fair enough :) How old is Jack now? I've always wanted 2, we'll just have to get on to the 2nd one pretty quickly, I'm not getting any younger! lol

    4. He'll be five on the 19th eeeek! He's so funny and my world totally revolves around him. Just reading your post about poo and it made me chuckle. I never realised I'd be so interested in another humans poo, wee, vomit, ear wax, snot... The list goes on! Only my own child mind you, I totally pass on any others!

    5. WOW 5!!!! Where has the time gone! Yeah snot... I'm dreading that more than the poo! I'm sure I'll just get on with it and deal with it though :D

  2. Congrats! I'm currently 27 weeks along with my first :-)

    Jodie x

    1. Thanks Jodie :) Ooh congrats! Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?


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