Friday 11 April 2014

Foods, oh not so glorious foods

yummy food

From what I've experienced so far, food is no longer my friend.  Now, that's a good thing in my ways, being overweight already brings many challenges, and with food not being my friend, that can only be a good thing.  But, seeing as I'm vegetarian, it throws me a bit of a curve ball.

Foods I used to love like quorn escalopes (they make me want to hurl just thinking about them now!), cheese, tea, coffee, bread... all make me feel horrid.  Whereas I used to love rich food, like dauphinoise potatoes (ermergherd!) now make me feel sick.  Garlic... not something I like anymore either...

My diet is pretty limited to very simple and plain food now.  A typical working day for me looks like:

Breakfast - Oatso simple porridge
11am snack - grapes
Lunch - Plain jacket potato with butter, and a side salad
Afternoon snack - grapes
Dinner - Plain jacket potatoes
Drinks throughout the day - apple & mango squash,  mineral water and sometimes a cup of tea

So my diet isn't bad per se, but I'm not getting all the nutrients I need either, and in typical Irish fashion, my diet is full of potato!  The idea of eating most veg makes me feel sick, so I'm a little stumped.

What I wonder, is this just an early pregnancy thing, or has pregnancy changed my tastes for good?

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  1. I feel your pain, pregnancy really made me ill and I hated just about everything... It definitely comes back after just don't eat anything you love now because if it makes you sick you might never like it again ( I still don't touch blueberry muffins a year later)
    Rosy xx

    1. Thanks for the tip Rosy, I'll try and avoid foods I really like that are making me feel ill, I'd hate to think of never having them again!


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