Wednesday 19 November 2014

Snapfish calendars - perfect for xmas

Snapfish gifts

Snapfish keyring and fridge magnets

Snapfish kitchen calendars

This year we're trying to spend as little money as possible at Christmas, I mean, doesn't everyone every year anyway?  But this year is different, I'll be on statutory maternity pay and every penny really will count, so we're having to be very thrifty and creative.

Something I'd been thinking about getting done for the grandparents are calendars with photo's of Squidge from the newborn photoshoot we had done, they are professional pics after all!

I put these calendars together on Snapfish - I was actually talking to my mother-in-law who's used them before to create photobooks (something else I'd like to do for Squidge, and my art).  It was easy to do, I simply went to 'create kitchen calendar' and picked one with a white background, then I uploaded 13 images (one for each month and one for the cover), wrote a title on the front and bazinga, I was done!  The print quality is really good, the images look sharp and colourful.

They're 5 x 11.5 inches and cost £9.99 each.  While I was there, I picked up a little something for the hubby too - an acrylic keyring (£2.99) with his favourite picture of him and Squidge which happens to be Squidge's first photo, it's super adorable and as soon as I gave it to him, he put it straight on his keys :)

I also picked up 2 acrylic fridge magnets (£2.99 each) from the same set of newborn photos we had done, I ordered one of his foot and one of his little squished up face :)  The

The products turned up in about 3-4 days, so pretty quick, and each of the calendars came with their own envelope too.  I love these as gifts, especially when there's a baby occupying the photos!

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*Post contains PR samples

1 comment:

  1. This is the kind of thing I am hoping to do next Christmas for family members with photos of our little one.


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