Tuesday 4 November 2014

First month of being a mummy

Squidge one month old

Little Squidge is officially one month old now, I cannot believe how quickly that has gone!  When parents say 'it goes so quickly' they really mean it!

The husband has now gone back to work, so in the day I'm alone.  We've only had 2 days properly by ourselves so far (today and yesterday) as Friday I was out and about in town and taking him into work to show him off.

Yesterday was probably the hardest day I've had yet.  Squidge just wouldn't settle, he was awake for 6 hours and grizzly.  I've had a bit of a cold and I think he's picked up a little something too, as he's been a bit snotty today.  Yesterday was hardest because I just couldn't do anything, he wanted to be hugged all the time and wasn't happy unless he was being cuddled, so that meant I couldn't get myself a drink, I couldn't express... it was really frustrating.  At least if he was awake and happy he could have gone in his bouncer, rocker, gym and been content.

First family selfie
He's still gaining weight too, when the health visitor weighed him last week, he'd gone up from his birth weight of 6lb 9oz, to 8lb 1oz, which is great :)  When you see him just in his nappy, he still looks very tiny and quite skinny, but his face is still nice and chubby as it should be :)

We've also noticed that quite often he'll be awake between feeds now too, typically during the evening - he'll just be there, awake and looking around, moving his limbs - it really is lovely to see him learning and evolving.  He can also hold up his head for short amounts of time now too, typically if you hold him upright, he'll hold his head there for a while, or if you lay him on his tummy on your chest, he'll lift his head up to turn it around or just hold it up :)

Mummy and Squidge ready for our first outing to Pettigrew tearooms
We also had our first couple of outings over the last 2 weeks.  Firstly we went to a blogger meetup at Pettigrew tea rooms (my favourite place in Cardiff!), it was the first time we were out without Daddy. It went well, Squidge was really well behaved and didn't cry, he slept through the whole thing! And then a week or so later, we went into work for Halloween as they always do a 'bring your kids to work' day for it, I think that might be where I picked up my sniffles from, it was lovely to see everyone though :)

As for sleep - well, it's mixed!  He went through a growth spurt at about 3 weeks, and he was cluster feeding, so for 3 nights in a row I had 2 hrs sleep, and was up with him from around 3/4am right through until about 7/8am, they were tough days!  But typically he'll sleep for 2-3 hours a night between feeds, the longest has been 3.5 hrs.  He's managed to have a 6.5hr sleep in the day too, so I know he can do a long sleep, it just needs to be at night :P  We've also got a new Silentnight mattress (this one) which has helped a lot with my sleep, it's firmer than our old one but more comfortable and supportive.  It's a pocket sprung one like our old mattress, but this one has built in memory foam.

All in all a great couple of weeks, I wouldn't change it for the world.  I'm loving every minute of him, and all the changes he's going through, I even love sorting through his nursery and clothes and all the standard mummy stuff that comes with it.  Yeah it'd be nice to get more sleep, but sleep isn't everything (remind me of that when I'm tweeting at 4am because I've been up with him for hours!).

Georgina <3
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  1. Aww! Glad to hear thing are generally going well!!
    I hope you feel better soon....It's rotten being poorly when you have a little one x

  2. Thanks :) Yeah, we have our ups and downs, but I'm loving it :) Yeah, it wasn't a bad cold, I'm certainly a lot better now, just left with a sore throat and a bit of labrynthitis :)

  3. Gutted I didn't get to meet this little one at the meet up! I was kind of squished against the wall lol. Glad it all seems to be going well, its a big change but a good one x

  4. I didn't get to meet you at the meetup - I wouldn't have even realised there was a little one there if it wasn't for the pictures. How well behaved he was! :-)

    Glad all is going well.

  5. That sounds like a lovely first month. So glad you're enjoying it and getting through the harder times too. It is strange when the Dad's first return to work- I thought I'd never shower again! ;-) He is so gorgeous and you can tell he's a content, happy baby. xxx

  6. Happy First month to your little one! I know there are some days/nights that you don't know how will you cope but try to relax as much as possible and just go with the flow, it will get easier with time, you'll see. I was very stressed with my first one because he wouldn't sleep as much or as little as the books said or he wanted me to cuddle him all the time etc. but with my second boy I just decided to relax more and everyone was happier :)

  7. Aw he is just so cute and I cannot believe it has been one whole month either, wow!

  8. I so didn't see you there! Yeah, it's a wonderful change :)

  9. Yeah with everyone seated and comfy we didn't really mingle and there were so many new faces there this time :) Hehe, yeah he just slept through the whole event :D Don't think I'd be that lucky now, he's awake a lot more now!

  10. Yeah it's been good :) The harder times are difficult, when he's awake he's pretty demanding and cries if he's not with me and yeah, I know what you mean about showering, so hard to find the time!

  11. Thanks Dagmara :) Yeah I've heard that if I'm stressed the baby picks up on it, so I've tried to chill a lot more - I just get so frustrated when he's constantly awake and needing constant attention though - hard to find time to blog :P

  12. Thanks lovely :) I know, the time is going SO fast!


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