Wednesday 12 November 2014

Breastfeeding update

Sleepy Squidge
Sleepy Squidge
About a month ago I blogged about the trouble I was having breastfeeding.  Squidge really struggles to latch on, and as a result he's fed a combination of expressed milk, and formula (Cow & Gate).

Well, being the kind of person I am, I was determined to keep trying and hopefully one day he'll learn how to do it (and me) and if it wasn't just because it's easier than making up a bottle and warming it up, it was also because it would help to increase my dwindling milk production when expressing milk.

Well last week was the week the hubby went back to work and Squidge and I were home alone.  I decided to keep trying and in the afternoons when he was starting to get hungry, I'd get the Medela nipple shield out and keep trying.

I think that we're finally starting to make some progress.  We've now had, what I would consider, two successful feeds.  By 'successful' I mean that he's latched on and fed for 15+ minutes.  He may still need a bottle after as my milk supply isn't great after the first express of the day, but he's been on the breast suckling for an extended period of time - for me, that's definitely a success!

I'm so happy that we're starting to get somewhere, even if it is baby steps.  I've found that it doesn't work if I try and breastfeed sat up in bed, I'm just not upright enough and he struggles, but if I'm sat on the sofa, with the boomerang pregnancy pillow to snuggle him as support, he does quite well. However, he doesn't latch on without the nipple shield, but I do keep trying just in case, as it can be a bit of a hassle having to clean and steralise it (just by pouring boiling water over it) when he's hungry.

So far so good, wish me luck and please do share in the comments below if you have any tips for me, I'm all ears when it comes to breastfeeding!

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