Tuesday 18 November 2014

6 week update

6 weeks old

So I've been a mummy for 6 weeks now, it's been 99% awesome, really it's 100% awesome, but seeing him cry his eyes out with colic breaks my heart, that's where the 1% has gone.

Just over a week ago Squidge developed colic - I'd always thought he suffered a bit with it, you could see he was uncomfortable with wind and would grizzle before fluffing or pooping, but a week ago it stepped up into a whole other level.  I blogged about it here (I won't repeat myself) :)

Cluster feeding
He's also been cluster feeding for the past couple/few days.  Where he used to feed every 3 hours, it's now about every 1.5 hrs, even in the night, which is really hard work.  We're giving him 120ml of comfort formula each time and some times he's looking for more after, other times he leaves 40ml or so.  He's cluster feeding as he's going through a growth spurt, something we've noticed as he's started growing out of his newborn sleepsuits & vests and is now mostly in 0-3 months (they're still a bit big, but they fit better than the newborn size).  According to the Wonder Weeks app, he's in the middle of a development leap too - ticks all the boxes of the signs of that too.

We've taken a step backwards with breastfeeding, in the last week every time I've tried I've failed, he just screams and gets frustrated.  I'm still expressing, but my supply has started disappearing again, this is mainly because of his cluster feeing, I'm not getting the time to express during the day, and over the last week the hubby has been busy every evening with his uni work so I've struggled to express then too - meaning I've been averaging twice a day.  I'm trying to express at least 4-5 times a day but I'm just not getting the time.

Meeting Grandad
This last week my Dad, Squidge's Grandad, flew over from Ireland to meet him and spend the weekend with us :)  This was really special for me as he's the only parent I have left after losing my mum a few years ago, so seeing him with Squidge was very special.  It's just a shame that he doesn't live closer, it would be lovely for him to be a bigger part of his life.  But to make up for it, his Nanny and Gramps (hubby's parents) are only 10 mins away, it's lovely to know that he'll grow up with them being a big part of his life :)

Moses basket
He's filling up his moses basket these days too, if Ewan the Sheep is in his basket with him, it touches his head, so we've moved Ewan out to give Squidge more room.  I think it'll only be another 2-4 weeks before we have to make room for his cot in our bedroom and move him out of his moses basket.  It's both wonderful and sad at the same time, it's lovely to see him grow and develop, but part of me wants to keep him all tiny and 'as-he-is' at the same time.

As for me, I'm 90% better now.  I'm still a bit sore where I had my stitches, well, it did get better and now it's sore again.  I'll be having my 6 week GP checkup soon, so I'll mention it then.  I've also been getting nerve pain up my spine from the epidural, I'll mention that too.  I have my repeat GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) this week to check and see if I'm still diabetic or if it's gone as we hope it has, so fingers crossed for that!  I've nearly reached the end of my daily injections of Clexane too (anti-DVT), only 2 days to go!  Other than that I'm doing well :)

I wouldn't change being a mummy for anything in the world, I love it.  And I've grown to really love the days when Daddy is at work and it's just me and Squidge, these made me so nervous to begin with, but it's a nice opportunity for some mummy/baby bonding time.


  1. Aw, it sounds like being a mummy is really suiting you! You're doing so well! Little Squidge is absolutely gorgeous! I was surprised by how long post-birth recovery actually takes. I'm still not back to my old self now, although I'm not hurting anymore. We went through the whole colic thing. Try not to worry too much. For us it just stopped suddenly one day and never came back. I hope it's the same for you. xx

  2. 6 weeks already! It sounds like you're doing a great job! One of our twins had silent reflux, although it's not colic, it was just as bad and heartbreaking to watch her being sick, arching her back and drawing her legs up to her chest. Thankfully, when we started weaning it eased a lot. Squidge is super cute! xx


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