Sunday 9 November 2014

Medela Swing electric breast pump

Medela swing electric breast pump

Before Squidge was born my intention was to breastfeed him knowing that's what was best for him. But unfortunately he hasn't taken to it and has difficulty latching on, even with a Medela nipple shield (we've had limited success with this).

When one of the breastfeeding support workers came to visit us after we left the hospital, she lent me the Medela single electric breast pump (RRP £79.99) - while it was successful at getting my milk out quickly, it was very noisy, and painful (it only had 1 speed).

Knowing this was the reality we were facing, i.e. expressing, not feeding from the breast, my lovely mother-in-law offered to help us buy one.  Knowing I wouldn't be able to take the pain of the one I'd tried for much longer, and knowing the Swing (RRP £134.99) was the best pump to get, this was the one added to the wish list.

I couldn't be more impressed with this - the packaging was all very nice and well presented, and the user manual is fab with photo images showing you every step and trouble shooting for those moments when it doesn't go to plan.

The actual pump, I must admit, reminds me of a breast implant (the shape)!  It has different settings, you press the on button first, and it starts simulating a baby's suckles, priming the boob.  After 2 minutes, it changes to a normal pump motion on a low setting, you simply keep pressing the plus button to pump the breast on a higher setting (generally gets more milk this way).  Similarly you can press the minus to reduce the suction.

This really has been a god send, as much as I don't express as much as I should, it makes the experience comfortable and easy.  You just need to remember to clean it after every use, and steralise it before every use to keep it safe for your baby.

Georgina <3
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  1. I have this pump too! I was using it to build up a stash in the freezer, but I'm too lazy so it never really came to much. It's such a great pump though! So comfortable and easy to use!

  2. I'm petrified at the thought of breast feeding but am definitely going to give it a go. I'm being sent a full kit from Medela so hopefully this pump will be part of it!


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