Tuesday 22 July 2014

28 week pregnancy update

28 week pregnancy update
L-R, Top-Bottom: A Cornish cream tea (I went very easy on the cream and jam), Carbis Bay beach, a diet coke with the name 'Pawel' weirdest spelling of the name I've seen!, hubby and I at the beach, one of my vegetarian meals, a stunning view we found by accident, and the museum of witchcraft in Boscastle

Sorry this update is a couple of days late, we were away on our babymoon (I'll talk about that in a separate post).  It's been a crazy week starting at last Monday, the day I hit 27 weeks pregnant.  I ended up going to hospital as I was having reduced movements and had been for a few days.  As well as checking my wee and BP, they put a heart monitor across my belly to listen to Squidge's heartbeat, it was great and very strong (140-160 bpm), and with that I was discharged.

Then yesterday (Tuesday) I had my 28 week appointment.  It started off with a scan and we had the loveliest sonographer, he took the time to show us our baby, describe how Squidge was lying (head down, bum up).  Then told us that we're having a boy!!!!!!  Yep, definitely balls/scrotum that we saw!

Squidge was measuring ok - head is 2 measuring at 30 weeks, legs at 29 weeks and very long) and belly is about 2 days behind.  They also noted in the scan that my amniotic fluid seems to be a little less, not sure what it was before, but it's now 8.something, so they're going to keep an eye on that too.

I also met with the diabetic nurse who kitted me out with the stuff I need to check my blood sugar levels, I'll be measuring them 4 times a day - before 3 meals and after 1.  I so hope I don't need to do this after the baby is born, I hope my body can cope and go back to normal.

Bit of bump ache, plenty of heartburn and getting tired very easily, as I discovered on our babymoon!

Since I was away I haven't been able to weigh in this week, I should be able to next week though. I'm still getting used to this different diet.  I've swapped out white bread for wholemeal and the same with pasta.  It's difficult finding something to buy each day for lunch that fits both my vegetarian diet and the diabetic diet - so I'm going to start making my own lunch to take in, it'll be so much easier (and cheaper).  Cheese sandwiches FTW!

Definitely growing and definitely feeling pregnant all the time, finally!  The bump is also starting to get in the way a bit - like having the laptop on my lap is getting more difficult :P

Next Tuesday I'm seeing the diabetic nurse to see how my blood sugars are doing, fingers crossed for good news, I don't fancy having to inject myself :(

Funnily enough when we were on our babymoon we popped into a charity shop and bought a little dress for Squidge, I said to the hubby 'but what if we have a boy' and he said 'then we've just donated £2.50 to charity' :)  I thought that was a lovely way to look at it, I'll be donating the dress back to charity and they can make a little more out of it :)

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  1. Aw really happy all is going well. And congrats again on Team Blue!! :)
    Your Babymoon sounds really intriguing!! :)
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

    1. Thanks again lovely - it's so good to know what we're having!
      Yeah babymoon post I'm hoping to have up at the weekend :D

  2. Oh a boy, how exciting! I wish I had a babymoon, just wasn't possible in the end so my sofa watching box sets, playing Xbox was my babymoon. Lol x


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