Monday 14 July 2014

27 week pregnancy update

27 week pregnancy update
L-R, Top to Bottom: Found my Sooty puppet (32 years old!), Matilda chilling while we were painting, the bruise left on my hand after having my 2nd GTT on Tuesday, the purple wall in our bedroom - painting 2 of them purple this weekend, chilling on the sofa bump pic and then having a fan on me as I was overheating :)

Well, it's been an eventful week!  So I had my 2nd GTT (glucose tolerance test) on Tuesday, then about 4:30 the next day I get a call from the ante natal unit saying 'hey, your bloods are back and they're high' - OK??? She followed up by saying 'just try to eat healthily, cut out sugar and come to your next consultant appointment in 2 weeks' and that was about it, she was desperate to get off the phone, and giving me as little info as possible.

So, I have gestational diabetes but haven't really been given any guidance on what I can and can't eat. From what I've read, I need to avoid white pasta, rice and bread - switching to wholemeal. Cut out any and all sweet stuff including sweet fruits and all fruit juice.  My next appointment is on the 22nd, so hopefully I'll have more of an idea what I should eat and what to avoid then - but I really am disappointed with the way I was told, it was a fleeting phone call and she gave me almost no guidance.

We've also been sorting out and decorating our bedroom, we need to sort it all out, to move some of our stuff from the spare room into it to help get the nursery sorted.

Been quite achy, having to get up and walk around frequently at work.  A little heartburn and backache, but that's about it :)

The biggest thing this week is I've been having much less movement from the baby.  I'd normally feel about 20-30 kicks a day, but over the last few days I'm lucky if I feel 5.  So I'm just hoping little Squidge is ok in there and I'm eating right for her.

Weight is up 3lbs but I expected that as I've had swollen feet all week - my weight tends to go up on weeks when my swollen.  Diet has been all over the place, first half of the week was normal, 2nd half of the week was trying to be diabetes friendly.

Well, it's growing! Have a look at the bump pic above :)  It's so amazing to know there's a little baby in there, and I'm loving getting the house ready for her arrival :)  It's a good job we have so many months to prepare!

22nd July - seeing the consultant, endocrinologist (thyroid stuff) and someone about diabetes.  I'll probably be having a scan too, hopefully they'll be able to confirm Squidge's gender :)

Only bought a couple of little bits this week, which I'll blog about separately, but lets just say, I've discovered the wonderful world of JellyCat and gone a little bananas :D

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  1. I had gestational diabetes and managed without metformin for about a month then went on it until I delivered. I did blood sugar tests after every meal and kept a diary. The diabetic nurses were brilliant and I rang them regularly with questions. I found I had to really cut down on carbs and up my activity to control my blood sugar without meds. Hopefully you'll get lots of info and a blood test (finger prick) kit at your next appointment. My little boy was perfectly fine and the diabetes went away after I had him x

    1. Thanks Joanna - I've got the blood test kit now and have very bruised fingers as a result! I've switched to wholewheat which seems to have helped and is keeping me fuller for longer.

  2. Ohnoo! That sucks so much! Poor you! :( I hope it won´t cause any harm or problems for you or your little Squidge. Are you feeling okay besides that though?

    I had that test too, but I don´t really understand how they could have checked it since I had to come in just after having breakfast, had to drink a glass of grape juice, wait and hour and then first they took blood.. I would assume my body can handle a glass of juice after having had breakfast without anything crazy happening. Test results came back fine too. I heard others had to come in sober, weren´t even allowed to eat any sugar the night before and had to drink a glass of water with about 10 sugar cubes.. I would think that that would give you a different result.. But what do I know!
    Just my Iron level is extremly low all of a sudden, hopefully the suplements I need to take will sort that out a bit..

    I have the same thing going on as you. I hardly feel any movements at all, it is so weird. Not that he was moving like crazy before but now I don´t feel anything at all or maybe something very lightly, of that I can not even be sure it is him.. Hopefully the doctor tomorrow can take some of those worries away..

    Your bump is looking great! I believe the real growing will start now, with our third semester starting and all.. Crazy how fast it is going all of a sudden! :O
    Looking forward to seeing what you have bought. And I hope they will really be able to tell you the sex the 22nd!

    Take care!

    1. Yeah other than that I'm feeling fine thanks lovely :)

      Yeah with mine I couldn't eat anything after 10pm the night before, pain!

      Has your movements picked up yet? Squidge has been moving more than ever today, so busy! What did the Dr say about the movements?

  3. What a lovely blog you have here, I came via Carly's blog and couldn't resist having a nosy at your mummy blog, I hope you don't mind. I think keeping a pregnancy diary like this is such a wonderful idea, and something I'd hope to do if I were lucky enough to be expecting. I'm sorry to hear the hospital weren't very helpful with your condition, and I hope you find out more soon. JellyCat have the best cuddlies - I'm a 25 year old woman and I'm in love! They're so soft and sweet! xxx

    1. Thanks lovely :D Of course I don't mind :) My JellyCat post will probably be live by the time you read this (whoop!) they're so addictive!!!


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