Friday 4 July 2014

5 wonderful things about being pregnant

5 wonderful things about being pregnant
Both the hubby and I never thought it would happen.  We tried for 8 months, which I know for some people isn't that long, but it was long enough for us to wonder if it would happen.  Combine that with having an underactive-thyroid (irregular periods) and being very overweight, most of my life I was convinced I'd never conceive.  To this day I don't know if this is a miracle baby, or that I'm pretty fertile, either way, I'm so thankful that I am pregnant.

There's so many wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) things about being pregnant, and some you only notice once you're going through it, which is why I thought I'd put a bit of a list together, not just to share with you, but so in months and years to come, so I don't forget too.

  1. You have life growing inside you, it's an amazing feeling and often unbelievable, but you (and your other half) created life, something to always be treasured
  2. People you didn't know cared, have become genuinely interested in how you and the baby are. This constantly amazes me.  The amount of people I have coming up to me who genuinely care how we (me and the baby) are is almost overwhelming.  To top that, the hubby has become very protective over me (in a wonderful way) and caters to my every whim and craving, I couldn't ask for more
  3. Feeling your baby kick - a feeling you'll never forget and always cherish.  I think it took me a couple of weeks to realise what I was feeling, they felt like twitches, but once you see your belly move with one, you won't be mistaken
  4. Hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time - a breathtaking experience that I'll never forget, it was so strong and so amazing to hear, that little life growing inside me
  5. The best in people - baby's seem to do that, everyone loves a pregnant woman and a baby - whether you have people buying or making the baby presents, they seem to bring out the best in people :)

Maybe this list will change as I become more pregnant, but I'm 6 months in and these are the things that have really stood out to me :)

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  1. I'm a first time mum and my due date is this Sunday the 6th July. I'm at the point now where everyone is asking me am I in labour yet? It's driving me bonkers haha.

    Jodie x

    1. Oooh so exciting! Yeah - I can imagine I'll get to that point too :P

  2. Congratulations! I can't wait to experience all this and pregnancy again :) x


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