Wednesday 20 May 2015

The Weaning Diaries #1

Babymoov light wood high chair
Squidge in his Babymoov light wood high chair

When Squidge was 17 weeks old, we very slowly and tentatively started weaning him.  It's not a decision we took lightly, but we felt he was ready.  He was bored and frustrated with his bottles, leaving lots, and really interested in what we were eating (not to the degree he is now!).  We only fed him baby rice for the first 3 weeks, and it was literally just a couple spoonfuls a day.  Then, when he was 5 months old he was being weighed at the HV and she said to progress his weaning onto flavours, purees etc, so off we went :)

He's fed a mixture of food I've cooked, and pouches/jars - either Ella's Kitchen or HiPP Organic - I'm quite choosy over the pouches I buy for him and I make sure they're one fruit-based ones, so that they're low in sugar (I always check).  I made the mistake of buying him a vegetable pouch from Ella's Kitchen - and under neath it said 'with Apple' - but on checking, it was over 50% apple, so very sweet and high in sugar.

Babymoov silicone collapsible storage
Mummy's homemade puree - cauliflour, potato, cod and garlic with a little cow's milk

Obviously I prefer him to eat food I've cooked as I know exactly what's gone into it, and he really likes it (yay), but it's not always possible.  If we've had a suitable meal in the evening (not something spicy etc) then I'll put a little pot of it to one side, and blend it up for him to have for lunch the next day - he really loves the quorn biryani I cook and my cauliflower puree with cows milk :)  It's so cute seeing him try something for the first time, and seeing whether he likes it or not - if he doesn't like it, he immediately gags, pushes it out with his tongue and blows raspberries - if he likes it, he pretty much swallows it, and immediately opens his mouth for the next mouthful. The Babymoov silicone collapsable pots (£13.99) are amazing - the collapse really well, and the lids click on really easily - perfect for travelling, but personally we use them for all sorts, including as a bowl for our own breakfast (overnight oats) :)

We also give him finger food to hold and explore, like cucumber, carrot, celery, spring onions, cooked broccoli spears, wholemeal toast, pineapple etc.

Babymoov Nutribaby
Lunch steaming away in the Nutribaby

If I do cook him food, I steam it for him (I have the Babymoov Nutribaby), it's pretty easy to use and also has a blender attached so you can puree the food you've just steamed - or you could use the steamer to warm up a jar :)  It has two tiers so you could put meat or fish on one, and veg on the other, you just need to dice things up so they're pretty small and don't take too long to cook.  A typical meal that I cook for him takes about 20 mins :)

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*I am an ambassador for Babymoov - my opinions are 100% honest and my own

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