Sunday 17 May 2015

The Baby Show

I’m sat here on the train, on my way home from not only my first time in Birmingham, but my first Baby Show.  Before going, I really had no idea what to expect.  I’d decided to leave Squidge at home with his daddy as I didn’t fancy being a single mummy for the day, and I didn’t think daddy would want to come along too J  Plus, it gave them some nice baby/daddy time which they don’t often get.

What I didn’t expect was to feel really quite lonely there.  Don’t get me wrong, the show was fab with loads to see (more on that in a bit), but almost everyone there was either pregnant, or had their baby with them either in a pushchair or sling.  And there I was, with my baby and hubby at home, 2 hours away.  This is why I’m now heading home, 2 hrs earlier than planned – I’d covered the show quicker than expected and didn’t want to sit around twiddling my thumbs waiting for my train.

So – the show itself! There were SO many different brands there, ones I wanted to see, ones I hadn’t heard of and of course, big names like Maxi Cosi, Mothercare, Stokke etc.  While wandering around, I actually avoided a lot of the bigger brands, and sought out some of the smaller ones I hadn’t heard of.

The Fill n Squeeze

One great product I found was the Fill n Squeeze.  I very nearly bought one, but without anyone to help carry stuff, and having my laptop in my backpack, I didn’t want to carry anything unnecessary.  What I loved about this (I still might buy it!) is that you make up a wholesome meal as usual, put it in the little tub with the plunger, and squeeze it straight into an empty pouch!  That way you don’t have to faff about with Tupperware etc.  They also have an attachment where you fit a spoon straight to the pouch and the food squeezes straight onto the spoon.  Each pouch is reusable and washable and can be reused up to about 50 times.

Zippy bibs

Another interesting brand was called Zippy, they made bibs.  But not just any bibs – they were the dribble bib style, which you can also use if bottle feeding, but they’re ultra absorbant, and even when soaking wet on top, the underneath remains dry.  Again, I was very close to buying some of these, but Squidge has SO many bibs, I didn’t feel I needed to pick up any more. 

I didn’t find much in the way of freebies, MAM and another brand were there giving out free baby bottles (but level 1 teets, no good for us).  I must admit, I did expect to see a massive Tommee Tippee stand, and unless I missed them completely I don’t think they had any stand other than one to promote milk drinking (not really featuring any of their products).  Cow & Gate were also there giving away little pouches of puree’d broccoli – at Squidge’s stage, we’d add this to other food he’s having, and not give it alone as he’s all about flavour!

Water Wipes

One other stand that was great to see, albeit a very basic stand, was Water Wipes.  I’ve seen loads of people talking about these, and since discovering the Huggies ‘Pure’ wipes we’ve been using contain Phenoxyethanol (a faux paraben) I’ve been on the lookout for new wipes free from such preservatives.  While there, I bought a single pack of their wipes, and a pack of their makeup remover wipes to try (didn’t even know they did these!?).  If they’re good (the water wipes) I may well buy a box on Amazon – if I had hubby and baby with pram with me, I’d have bought a box J

Nappy tree by Aldi

Anyway, I think I’ve rambled on about The Baby Show enough now – a big thank you to the lovely people over at Aldi Mamia for sponsoring me to go – they also had a great stand with a big Mamia tree of nappies and products to be won :)

1 comment:

  1. The Fill and Squeeze thing does look really handy. I was wondering about going to this as well, but I decided not too - felt like tempting fate before my baby is safely here, although that's not very logical when I think about all the other stuff we've already bought!Only 3 months to go now so I might make next year's! xx
    Sarah | |


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