Wednesday 6 May 2015

7 Month baby update

7 months old

Today Squidge is 7 months old - officially more than half a year! It's so crazy how quickly they grow and develop! I feel like for the most of the month I don't have much to say about his development, but in that last week or few days before his month birthday, he progresses loads!

Sitting up by himself

He's still in size 6-9 months clothing, and after a weigh in with the HV yesterday, he's now 17lb 4oz, sitting just under the 50th percentile.  While the clothes are fitting him quite well, I am struggling to get some of his tops over his head, lol. But yeah, in most of them he still has quite a bit of growing to do before being in the next size up.  Most days he's wearing short sleeved vests and tops too - so nice to see his arms and his super soft skin :)  I've also bought a few pieces from the Jools Oliver Little Bird collection in Mothercare (pictured above) - it's a gorgeous retro-70's-esque collection of baby & kids clothes, all very nice quality and not too expensive.  I love that outfit he's in above :)

Constantly chewing toys

Well, isn't teething a barrel of laughs! Still no teeth, but we do have some progress. So his front bottom row of gums now has several white dots, and the gum right in the middle has dipped (i.e. in between where a couple of teeth are going to pop up). Also, his top gums on the right have gone all white and changed shape to be very flat, like the underside of molars.  We've had some day's of utter hell where he's needed Calpol, Dentinox, Ashton & Parsons, the whole shebang. 

Fast asleep

I really need to touch wood before I write this.  I think we've turned a corner.  When we put him to bed at night, he's generally going to sleep with no help from us at all.  We put him down when he's wide awake, after a bit of time rolling around in his cot or looking around the room, he rolls onto his side and falls asleep.  His day naps are better too, he's not sleeping on me at all.  I put him down in his cot for about 3 naps a day (sometimes 4) each lasting about 30-60 mins - he usually settles himself to sleep, sometimes he needs a cuddle from his mummy :)

As for night waking - he still wakes at night, but he seems to be doing better.  Whereas before he was waking like, 5-15 times a night, now it's more like 1-2 (not including him waking lots from about 5:30am).  He often wakes up when we go to bed which is about 11:30, we'll pop his dummy back in, move him back down the cot and he's fine.  Then he often wakes some time between about 3-4am too - again same thing dummy & move.

Feeding himself in his high chair

I'm actually writing a big weaning post which will hopefully be live towards the end of the week, but until then - it's going well :) He's dropped a milk feed and replaced it with food and he's loving lots of flavour, he's not a fan of the simple flavours.  I actually blogged about our routine recently which covers when he's feeding, what and how much he's having etc :)  I love that picture of him in his Babymoov high chair, feeding himself some water :) Firs time he's done that, my clever little boy :)

Young padawan

I feel like he's coming on leaps and bounds at the moment.  He spent a few days in his Galt toys blow-up donut ring thing around the time he was learning to sit up and it really helped him nail it. Now he sits up by himself really well.  I've retired his Fisher Price Rainforest play gym as he wasn't able to roll around on the floor, instead I bought a large 1m x 2m play mat from Taf toys (this one) so he has some room to move around.  We have wooden floors, so no padding for his head!

He spent a few days rolling all over the place, but then learned to sit up, now he sits there surrounded by cushions to break his fall and surrounded by toys :) 

He's right on the verge of crawling too.  He can push himself right up and be on his knees.  Yesterday he even brought his one knee forwards for the first time, if he just puts those two motions together, he'll be off!  He can sort of commando crawl, he manages to crawl his way up in the cot every night, several times over by pushing himself up on his face :P

  • He still loves standing
  • He's starting to get stranger danger and randomly does scared cries at people
  • He's still in Size 3+ nappies (Pampers ActiveFit)
  • Giraffe's are his favourite toys
  • He goes to bed about 6:30 each night
  • He's got my slightly wonky eyes and ears :)

1 comment:

  1. The Jewel Beauty7 May 2015 at 21:07

    Wow! He is amazing :)

    Look how he's grown! Gorgeous little boy :)

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