Friday 15 May 2015

Baby Products at Aldi

Aldi Mamia products

Back before I had Squidge, I stocked up on lots of different things, baby wipes, nappies, muslins etc, and one of the ways we did this was during Aldi baby events. Back then of course, Squidge wasn't born, so we hadn't ventured into the realms of weaning and as we don't do our weekly shop at Aldi, I wasn't aware of the baby food they sell.

The things we always go out of our way to go to Aldi and get are their non-bio washing powder for his clothes (I love how this smells, to me, it smells of Squidge), the Mamia nappy bags (they're THE best smelling bags!) and I really do like the Mamia baby wipes too as they have a clickable lid/flap on them to stop them from drying out.

You can imagine how excited I was when the lovely people over at Aldi sent over this lovely care package for the little man :)  

One of the first things the little man has tried are the apple mini rice cakes - he quite likes these and ate pretty much a whole one, only dropping a little bit on the floor :)  I don't want him to have many, just because they're a little sweet, but they do compare well to the same Organix product :)  He's also had some of the banana & apple puree as a dessert after his lunch/dinner which he really likes, and I added some of the 'baby juice' drink to a beaker of water just to add a pop of flavour, he seemed to prefer it to plain water :)

I'm going to hold off using the bathing products for now, as due to his dry skin I've been using Oilatum and Dentinox shampoo, but when his skin has had a good recovery period, I'll give them a whirl :)

Every mummy is different, I'm one of these mummies that are quite strict with how much sugar I give him - we've managed to get him to love savoury food and prefer it to sweet and as a result, if he ever does have anything sweet, he's bouncing off the walls after!

What have you tried from the Mamia range at Aldi?

1 comment:

  1. We swear by the Aldi nappies and, like yourself, I love their wipes because of the lid, I'm surprised more brands don't have the lid!

    I'll have to bear them in mind for food when we start weaning Aria.

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life Wales


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