Tuesday 27 May 2014

20 week scan update & results

Squidge at 20 weeks

As many of you know, today was a big day for Squidge and I.  It was our 20 week scan.  There were many nerves, worries and fears on the lead-up to it, right up until the actual scan.

Before the scan we (hubby and I) both had dentist appointments in the morning, and both were sent away with a clean bill of health, whoop!  We got to the hospital with about 40 mins to spare, so settled down and had a Starbucks (decaf of course!) while we waited.  After heading up to the Ultrasound department we paid our £3 for a picture ahead of the scan and waited.  Man alive was it warm up there!

After about a 10 min wait we were called in.  The sonographer was lovely (much nicer than the last one!) and set about the 40 min scan... it took ages!  Squidge wasn't being compliant and lying in an awkward position but she managed to check most things (heart, stomach, bladder, kidneys etc) - then half way through the Ultrasound machine crashed!  After a 5 min restart we were away again!

Unfortunately, because Squidge was being, lets say, difficult, she wasn't able to see all the things she needed to, so I need to go back in 2 weeks for another scan in the hope that Squidge will be in a better position.  It was such a relief to see their heartbeat and see that they were the size they were supposed to be, such a relief!!!!  I feel so lucky.  She did reassure us that she wasn't worried about anything, and it's just that she needs to tick everything off on her checklist :)

*EDIT* Meant to say - I also have an anterior placenta (at the front) which is why I haven't felt much/any movement from Squidge :)

Next, the bit you've been waiting for, the gender!!!!  Well, she had a good look and decided it was a very close call.  Her words to us were: 'It's *possibly* a girl'.

So there you have it, inconclusive!!!  She thinks Squidge might be a girl, as she couldn't see a willy but she really wasn't sure and said it very cautiously.  I would have thought that in all her scanning, if it was a boy she'd have seen his bits, but who knows, so we're carefully going with it being a girl, but not committing ourselves to it :P

When I go back in 2 weeks for a re-scan, I'll be asking them once again to check :P

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  1. Congratulations either way hun. Glad all was ok xx

  2. Most excellent news. They never say definitely the sex. They said the same with emilybop :). So cool to see all is well. Xx

    1. Yeah we're really happy, would love a girl :)

  3. The same thing happened to my friend when she went to find out the sex - baby wasn't behaving, congrats either way though xx

    1. Ha, so annoying! Did she find out what she's having?

  4. Aww! How exciting!! Glad everything went well x

  5. Eeek! How exciting. I hope you get a more conclusive answer in two weeks, but I reckon Squidge a girl for sure. There was no denying Scout being a boy at 20 weeks, if he comes out a girl we're screwed. Haha!

    1. Thanks :) I'm not betting on it, from what I've heard they're always very cautious about saying if it's a girl :) Haha! It'll be a very blue girl then :P

  6. I remember crying through my 20 scan and loved being shown a tour of Beth. I didn't find out what she was but I was told it would of been 100% clear. PS They don't improve their cooperation once they are out!

    1. Aww - I welled up when I saw the heart was still beating :)

  7. congratulations! they never seem to be sure on girls but they are normally right :) im so glad everythings ok with baby as well :)

    Catherine x

    beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    1. Yeah so I've heard :) Yeah me too, that was a massive relief :)

  8. Congrats!! So happy it went well and your baby is all fine! I hope you feel a bit more relieved! :)
    And not bad now you will have an extra scan and possibility to see your *possible* girl again! :)
    Those placenta's can make things difficult when they are in the front. Mine wandered there too after the 10 week scan. I wonder or it stays where it is from now on. But hopefully you will be feeling more and stronger movements soon then!
    Will you be buying girls clothes already or will you wait another week just to be sure?
    I went a bit overboard yesterday in the online shop of Next they have such cute things. I hope I won't keep it all haha and that I stop now! I need way more and more important things.
    Looking forward to your next post
    post Take care! :)

    1. Thanks Birgit :) Yeah I'm really relieved, I was a bit worried initially when they said I needed another scan, but they were very reassuring that it was only because of the way the baby was lying, they couldn't see everything :) Very excited at the possibility of a girl too :D

      I think with the placenta that it tends to move about a bit - but as the baby grows it becomes less of an issue :) I'm definitely starting to feel a little movement, but no kicks as yet :) I won't be buying girls clothes just yet, I'm going to wait for the next scan, if they think girl too, then I might carefully start buying the odd dress :D *so cute*

      Yeah, Next have lovely baby clothes, it's a shame you don't live in the UK - the people who make the Next baby clothes also make Asda baby clothes (big cheap UK supermarket), and the quality is exactly the same, but they're much cheaper :)

      Hope you're doing well?


  9. Really pleased everything is fine, congratulations on your 'girl' :)

    1. Thanks Joanna :) Hopefully they'll say 'girl' at the next scan too :)

  10. EEEEeeeee team pink!! So excited! Even though they've said they can't be certain I don't think I'd be able to resist buying something, just a small something, pink!
    So pleased to hear that everything is okay. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. Yeah it's very tempting! Luckily I have another scan in 2 weeks, so if they say a girl then too, then I might start buying some cute little dresses :D

      Thanks Leanne :)

  11. Glad to hear everything is going ok for you! I bet you can't wait for the arrival of baby pixie :)


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