Sunday 21 December 2014

Recipe: Fererro Rocher brownies

Ferrero Rocher brownies, prepped

Ferrero Rocher brownies, cooked

I admit it, this isn't one of my recipes.  The brownie recipe I stole from Another Innocent Girl, and the inspiration I took from Pinterest, however, I did do one small thing to adapt it, which technically makes it mine :P

Here's what you'll need:

100g unsalted butter
150g milk chocolate
4 medium eggs
250g Caster Sugar
100g Plain Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
30g Cocoa Powder
2 dessert spoons of Nutella
12 Ferrero Rocher's

And here's how you make it:

Preheat your oven to 180'c.  Get a tin, grease it and line it with grease-proof paper.  Then, great a bain marie and melt the chocolate, butter and nutella together (make sure the spoons of nutella are generous!).

Whisk together the eggs and sugar with an electric whisk, you're aiming for it to be very light and thick enough to hold a trail when you lift the whisk out of the mixture.

Measure out the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and cocoa) and sift them into the sugar & eggs, then fold it all together.  Be careful though as you don't want to remove the air from it you've just whisked into it.  Then pour in the melted chocolate mix and continue to carefully fold.

Pour into the tin, and place your Ferrero Rocher's, making sure you space them evenly, try to make sure they're completely covered if you can too.

Bake for 25-30 minutes until nicely crusted but still soft in the middle. I tend to take it out at 20-25 minutes as I have a fan heated oven and it tends to cook food very quickly - and with these I was aiming for gooey middles :)

If you make them, be sure to tweet me a picture of them to @twinklinpixi3 :)

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