Tuesday 25 November 2014

Shnuggle baby bath

Shnuggle logo

Shnuggle bath

Texture of the shnuggle bath

Seat in the shnuggle bath

Squidge in his bath

Back towards the end of my pregnancy, this lovely baby bath landed on my door step.  At that point, I'd never bathed a baby before so had no idea if it'd be any good or not.  After having Squidge, when I was still in the hospital, a nurse came around and showed me how to bathe him, in a normal bath, so I was a little nervous the first time I bathed him in this as it's quite different in shape to a standard bath.

Well, I needn't have worried, it wasn't exactly rocket science!  The Shnuggle bath is made up of a special foam called expanded polypropylene which is great at holding the heat from the water.  It's also a really light material - they say the bath is the same weight as a loaf of bread, but as it has a larger surface area, I think it feels lighter.

The bath is designed so that the baby is in a more upright position, and the bath has a bump in the bottom of it for them to sit against, to help the upright position.  It's also scooped at the front so it's easier to get your arms/hands in and out to bathe your baby.

Those of you with sharp eyes will see that little Squidge doesn't like having a bath :P  We have this face, the crying eyes looking right at me every time with a look of 'Why are you doing this to me mummy?', there's no reason for it too - the water is tested with a thermometer as 'warm', he just hates being in water, strange baby!

Things I love about it:

  • It's light, so easy to pick up with your one free hand when you're holding your baby
  • It's small, so I can tuck it away in a nook easily
  • It's great at holding the temperature of the water

Here's where I'd list the things I don't love about it, but in all honesty I don't have any dislikes, perhaps the price, it's not a cheap baby bath, it's £30, however they do have a section of clearance baths for £20 which makes it more reasonable.  The one I opted for is the mint green one as it fits with the colour and theme of his bedroom :)

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