Monday 3 November 2014

Orange drizzle cake

Orange drizzle cake

About a week ago I attempted to make the wonderful Mary Berry Lemon Drizzle cake for the first time.  Seeing as it's such a great recipe, it turned out to be an awesome cake.  But while I was devouring it, I couldn't help but think that I'd never seen anyone make an Orange drizzle cake, and how it might be very tasty.

So with two sets of guests coming over yesterday, I sent the hubby to Sainsburys to get supplies and set about making the orange version of the cult classic, and you know what?  It turned out great!  Because I don't have a juicer thingy to get juice out of fruit, I found that the 2 lemons in the recipe didn't give me enough juice for the crunchy glaze on the top, so I figured that 2 oranges would be perfect - 2 oranges turned out to be slightly too much, but it did help add more moisture to the already-moist sponge.  Anyway, I can't take credit for this recipe, it's the original Mary Berry one, but adapted for oranges.

225g self-raising flour
225g unsalted butter (softened)
225g caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
4 medium eggs
4 tbsp milk
The zest of 2 oranges

For the crunchy topping:
Juice of 2 oranges
200g granulated sugar

You'll also need a tin, approx 30 x 23 x 4 cm.

1.  Pre-heat your oven to 160c (325f/Gas 3)
2.  Grease your tin, and line with grease-proof paper
3.  Put all of the ingredients into a large mixing bowl
4.  Beat together with an electric whisk/mixer (this can be done with a wooden spoon if you don't have an electric whisk) until the mixture is light
5.  Pour into tin, making sure the mixture is level
6.  Bake in the centre of the oven for 35-40 mins (if your oven is fan assisted, you can probably shave a few mins off that as it'll bake quicker)
7.  While the cake is cooling on a wire rack, mix up the juice of the oranges with the granulated sugar and give it a stir
8.  Once the cake has cooled, spoon on the orange/sugar mixture evenly across the cake.  Cut and serve.

Tip - if the orange/sugar mixture looks a bit runny, add some more sugar as the crunchier the topping is, the nicer :)

Please let me know if you make this and let me know what you think, it went down very well in my household and with our guests - it didn't last into the evening!

Georgina <3
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  1. This looks really easy and sounds yummy, will give this a go on the weekend, thanks!

    Reflection of Sanity

  2. Definitely going to try this, I really don't like lemon flavoured things - thanks for sharing :D

  3. Oh wow this sounds amazing and delicious :D xx

  4. Thanks :) Yeah it was lovely - although, I do prefer the lemon drizzle cake (the recipe you were asking about) - the recipe is exactly the same as this one, only you use 2 lemons instead of 2 oranges :)

  5. No worries :D I hope you like it :)

  6. It's super easy - basically, get all the ingredients, chuck them in a bowl, blend and cook :D NOM!


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