Sunday 5 April 2015

John Lewis & M&S Baby Clothing haul

Sorry I haven't really blogged over the last week - I've been busy with Squidge :)  However, I have lots of posts planned for this next week including his 6 month update tomorrow, yikes!

As you might recall, he's been busy growing out of his 3-6 months clothes and is now in 6-9 months clothes, most of which are a bit big for him but at least they fit over his head and are long enough for his legs :)  I had a load of vouchers to spend, £100 John Lewis, and £60 in M&S - as well as spending all of these, I also bought 1 item with my own money from each shop making this a VERY expensive haul! But only spending around £25 of my own money, bargain :)  Here's what I bought:

Sun hat and little shoes from John Lewis (as you can expect, with the current fashion trend being nautical, a lot of the baby clothes are in that style too)
John Lewis sun hat and shoes

Nautical socks from John Lewis
John Lewis socks

2 pairs of trousers from John Lewis - the blue pair roll up to turn into shorts (as demo'd on the one leg of the blue pair)
John Lewis troushers

A blue whale shirt from John Lewis - I freakin' love this shirt!
John Lewis whale shirt

A nautical whale and light house t-shirt and shorts from John Lewis
John Lewis t-shirt and shorts

A linen blue and white striped shirt from John Lewis
John Lewis linen shirt
Green stripy giraffe dungarees from M&S - these were a gift from my mother-in-law
M&S Dungarees

Pyjamas from M&S - 2 sets - these were also a gift from my mother-in-law
M&S pyjamas

Adorable shoes from M&S
M&S shoes

1 set of sleepsuits and 1 set of vests from M&S - I love the designs on these, some are jungle themed, some are coloured, and one of each have bananas on :)
M&S sleepsuits and vests

Geeky superhero vests from M&S - nice, not cheap and not great quality
DC vests

Cat sleepsuit from M&S - seeing as I'm a bit of a cat lady, I just *had* to buy this
Cat sleepsuit

Navy blue linen trousers from M&S
Baby boy M&S trousers

So there you have it, a LOT bought - can you imagine if I spent all that money in Asda instead, how many more clothes I'd have been able to buy!?  But at least this way he has super lovely clothes, really nicely made, great quality and very, very on-trend :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the little socks and the whale shirt :)


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