Thursday, 1 May 2014

A week of appointments

A quote from The Lovely Book for Wonderful Women

This week has been the busiest week so far of my pregnancy.

On Tuesday I had my 16 week bloods done, including a GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) - one of the reasons I had to have this is because I'm overweight, and they want to check that my body is still making insulin ok.

Surprisingly (because I suck at paying attention to what's written in letters) I only expected this to be a quick blood test, but when I got there and read the letter, I realised it was at least a 2-hour ordeal.  The appointment was for 8:30, we arrived nice and early at 8:20 and was ready to have my blood take right there and then.  But it wasn't until 8:35 that they managed to draw blood, why?  Because I have terrible veins that collapse as soon as a needle gets near them, and they're tiny, so they're really hard to find.

I had 3-4 people try to take blood from me and they eventually got it from the back of my hand (which is where I told them they'd need to take it from in the first place).  So after 3 stab-wounds (one in my arm, 2 in the back of my hand) I was whisked off to my next appointment.  I had my wee dipped, my BP done (something like 143/85 - pretty average for me) and I was weighed.

After that, I had an appointment with the consultant since I'm having a consultant-led pregnancy due to weight, heart problem (SVT) and my underactive thyroid.  We had to wait for about an hour to be seen, but the consultant was lovely.  She's put me on 75mcg of aspirin as a preventative measure in the hopes I don't develop pre-eclampsia.

I was due to have the downs blood test too... now, I'm going to speak really frank and candidly about this.  When we found out I was pregnant we decided we wanted the downs test.  Ultimately, after long talks, we knew we would terminate if the test was positive (a horrible thought I know).  But when it came down to it, while we were in the hospital I just didn't want to know.  If it came back as high risk, I wasn't prepared to have the amino and then I'd be stressed for the rest of the pregnancy about our baby - we'd rather take my chances and live in ignorance.

After seeing the consultant I had another appointment to see the endocrinologist (hormone specialist - i.e. thyroids).  She increased my dose of thyroxine from 150 (which had been increased since pregnancy) to 175.  Then I was whisked back to have my second blood test as part of the GTT, again from the back of my hand.

Next we had to cash in my prescriptions at the hospital pharmacy, this took aaaaages, over a 1hr wait!

Well, that was Tuesday.  Then today (Thursday) I had my 16 week midwife appointment, this was very short and sweet.  The midwife once again took my blood pressure which was a brilliant 130/80 (perfect!) and sent me on my way.

All in all a very busy baby week!

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Binky Linky


  1. What a week! Hope everything goes well for you x

    1. Thanks Kim :) Yeah it was a really busy week, Tuesday morning was just mental!

  2. There's no shame in your views. We had a thick NT measurement at the 12 week scan and ended up with a CVS. Luckily we got the all clear for all chromosomal abnormalities. We then had to have a couple of heart scans on bump as a high result can also indicate a problem there too. Luckily all was good :)

    1. Oh that's good news :) Yeah, after many talks with the hubby we just felt we didn't want to know, and no matter what happens, we'll love him/her just as much :)

  3. Busy week!!
    I also have my GTT next week - slightly nervous as I have diabetes all thru my family & also have a slight addiction to sugar!! We shall see!!
    I'm almost 25 weeks pregnant & love reading other peoples updates so will be keeping an eye on yours!! :)
    Take care!!
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

    1. Eeek! There's only 2 instances of it in my family, one was my grandad which he didn't get until he was very old, and my uncle. Let me know how you get on with yours :)

  4. Gosh that is a busy week!! The GTT is really horrible :(
    Poor thing with all those attempts at getting blood that sounds awful!!
    Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend x

    1. Yeah horrid test! Thanks lovely, you too :)

  5. I had to camp out in the blood place for two hours with a copy of Instyle and had a sleep while waiting. I did decide to have the downs testing if we were high but madam didn't want to co-operate and decided that we would love her no matter what happened. She came out a reasonable happy healthy little girl. x

    1. That was pretty much me, but with appointments in between, busy, busy busy! Yeah, she's gorgeous :D

  6. Phew-a busy week indeed! My veins are rubbish too as they collapse as soon as the needle gets anywhere near them. #BinkyLinky

    1. Yep, exactly what happens to mine, rubbish isn't it? :)

  7. Wow, you've been busy this week! Hope next week is a bit more relaxing for you. Thanks for linking up to the #binkylinky

  8. GTT is the hardest always for me. My sugar is high. The not eating before 2 blood taking is so hard. I almost fainted. And the result just made me sadder as my sugar is really high. But its all a memory now. =) #binkylinky


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