Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Antenatal appointment update

Squidge at 36 weeks

As you know, today was my 37 week antenatal appointment.  I was booked in for a growth scan, and on the basis of that they will decide if I should be induced this week or next week.

I rocked up bang on time at 11:30, and waited half an hour+ for my scan.  It was a different lady to usual and didn't do the typical 'here's the heartbeat, here's his face' at the beginning of the scan to reassure me, ah well.  His head was measuring at pretty much 41 weeks, legs at nearly 42 weeks, and his abdomen is still bang on target at 37 weeks.

Then I had to sit and wait to see the consultant.  Luckily I didn't have to wait too long, only another 15 mins or so.  She was really happy with his growth and emphasised how because I'm overweight the size of the head etc is only an estimation, it's never accurate even if you're slim.  So her plan of attack is at my clinic appointment next Tuesday I'll have a sweep, and a CTG (that's when they trace the baby's heartbeat), hopefully that'll kick off labour.  If not, on either Thursday or Friday (most likely, Thursday) I'll go in to be induced (CRAZY!).

It's all feeling so real.  Up until now I haven't given much thought to labour, one because I'm trying not to stress myself out, and two because it's something I have no control over, so there's no point me dwelling on it, but now it's around the corner, I can't help but wonder how it'll be.

I also met with an anaesthetist today who talked to me about having an epidural.  It's not something I want to plant to have, but I am open minded to having it, should things progress that way.  He said that with being induced, the contractions are more painful as they're brought on artificially - so he said that it's a good idea to consider it, before the contractions get really painful and it becomes too difficult for them to do it.  So on the back of that I'll bear that in mind for when I'm in labour.

There is of course a chance that Squidge will make an appearance before then of his own accord (which is what I'm hoping for), but we'll have to see :)

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  1. Wow! That is so fast!! You will most likely have a september baby now!
    Funny, my baby got measured the same as yours! Everything very big except the abdomen too, that was normal to the amount of weeks.
    Enjoy your time, that is just the two of you! You might be three already next week! Can you imagine!?
    I like the way you think, same for me, in the end you have no idea how it will go and how you will handle it, so best to keep all options open and see how it goes! :)
    I ll be probably doing much of the same as you. Waiting or that baby will arrive spontaneous already or if they induce too, or plan a c-section straight away. .
    Keep us updated on the process! :)

    1. Well, the sweep is on the last day of Sept, so I think he'll still be an October baby, just a week or two early :) Yeah - it's our wedding anniversary on Saturday, so we're going for a nice meal as it'll be our last trip out in a long time :) Can't wait to hear what happens with you too :)

  2. How exciting!! Your baby will be here in a few days! That excited anticipation at the end of pregnancy is something I remember clearly. I couldn't think of anything else. You're right to keep your options open on pain relief. I've noticed that people who say they really don't want an epidural but go on to have one beat themselves up about it a bit, like it's some sort of failure. It really isn't. Good luck!!! I'll be looking out for your baby announcement post. xx

    1. Yeah, possibly by the end of next week, crazy eh! Yeah - I don't want an epidural to be a foregone conclusion, but if I'm struggling with the pain, I'm definitely open minded to having one :)

  3. Just to give you my experience although he was my second baby, due to my gestational diabetes I was induced at 37and a half weeks with a sweep on the Sunday and went in on the Tuesday. I was contracting enough on my own for them to break my waters and he was delivered 4 hrs later. Go with the flow, if you want drugs or an epidural go for it and gas and air is amazing! Will be thinking of you xx

    1. Thanks lovely - yeah I'm going to go with the flow and take it one contraction at a time. It's crazy to think it's nearly time though - nuts!

  4. Hi! Yes that is so true. It is almost October already, with all the being at home I totally forget how september is coming to an end already!
    That is great, enjoy that night!
    It is nice too, to know when most likely things will start and you know roughly when your baby is there.
    I keep having lots of stomach cramps since a few days and now I wonder every time or something will happen already before my next doctors appointment next week. But since he is so big still lying not really head down, his head is also huge I am afraid they will tell next week to go to the hospital and plan a c section. So my baby might by out a few days after yours! Still kind of weird things are going so fast now, although I am so curious now what he will look like!!
    Have a nice weekend!!

    1. Yeah time is flying isn't it? :) I've been having stomach cramps too and feeling quite sick - all very common at this stage I think :)

      I hope you manage to avoid a c-section, hopefully he'll properly engage and be in position ready for a natural birth :)


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