Monday 7 July 2014

26 week pregnancy update

26 week pregnancy update
Top to bottom, left to right: The totoro babygrow arrived, packing hubby's PC Gamers into storage boxes, his oldest PC Gamer (from Oct 1994, issue 11), Matilda peeking at us from the laundry basket when we were watching the F1, my sitting down with my fav mug watching the Fi, having my toe nails painted by the hubby while the F1 was red flagged, and Matilda discovering the laundry basket, very cute

Oh my, what a week it's been!  On Tuesday I woke up (with no warning) with Labrynthitis, and let me tell you, it's not exactly fun!  I blogged about it over on the beauty blog in a 'where I've been' post on Friday if you want to take a look.  But that wiped me out for the week, I had the week off work (sick) which I hated, but on the bright side Squidge was VERY active!  Hubby also saw Squidge kick for the first time, and saw it a few times, a very special moment :)  He took a couple days off work to look after me, what a hero :)

Other than the crazy unbalanced, dizzyness/spinning room I've been having - I wasn't too bad.  Some nausea (actually threw up a bit of my dinner when I was brushing my teeth!), backache, still a very painful heel on my left foot, and general tiredness.  Oh, and some heartburn.

Well, weighed myself today and I'm still the same as I was last week, which is my pre-pregnancy weight.  I think me being ill has kept any gain off, although I haven't been in the slightest bit active as I was confined to my house pretty much all week. So, swings and roundabouts.

Definitely growing, last night when I went to bed it was the biggest I'd seen it (when lying down), but, I'm not sure if this happens to anyone else, but just after lying on my back, the bump goes down within a couple of mins?  Nothing I'm worried about or anything, just wondered if that happened to anyone else?

Tomorrow, I'm having my repeat GTT (Glucose tolerance test) at the hospital - that's half a day I can wave goodbye to, and say hello to some nice bruising on the back of my hand thanks to terrible veins.

There'll be a post about this on Weds, so keep your eyes peeled :)

That seems like quite a short update this week!  It's been pretty quiet though to be fair, with me being off.  I'm happy to report that I'm feeling better now though, still a little dizzy when I'm standing up or turning, but definitely 90% better.

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  1. Glad all is going well hun!
    Its so amazing sharing the movements with your partner isn't it.
    James talks to bump all the time and he kicks him in the head, its fab :)
    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

  2. Hii!

    I hope you are feeling much better again! I have been reading all your updates but for commenting I was unfortunatly lacking time with moving and getting our place it bit more sorted out. :(

    But I have that too, as soon as I lie down it goes from sticking out to me looking way less pregnant. I guess that is normal.. But what do I know ;)
    I wonder how your GTT will be and go. I have mine thursday.. I wonder what the results will be and how long it will take in total..

    I really should make my boyfriend paint my toe nails too. I wonder or he is so talented as your hubby though.. Your nails look really awesome!

    Were you able to find some more clothes to wear or do you still have to wear your maxidresses in turns? I still keep trying to buy clothes that I might be able to wear next year again, but that is kind of impossible now, I guess I should do a tour through all the online shops again, maybe something is on sale and therefor a bit more affordable.

    I hope you are doing well! Looking forward to reading your next blog!



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