It's Monday night, and I've completed my first week back at work, in fact, I'm a third of the way through my 2nd week :)
I'm very lucky to have been able to go back to work part-time, doing just 3 days a week, leaving me with 2 weekdays and the weekend to spend with Squidge (and the hubby!).
I must say, the fear of going back to work was SO much worse than the reality. The day before going back I was a complete mess, I felt sick and I spent a good portion of the day crying. It didn't help that Squidge was ill either.
But once the day was over (my return to work day) it really was fine. You know what, I'd even go so far as to say I'm quite enjoying it :) I'm very lucky to have a job I enjoy and a wonderful company - if I was going back to a job I hated... well that doesn't bear thinking about.
Our new routine is very different from before, we're up earlier and home late, but with Squidge in our lives it's really ok :) Our new routine looks like this:
6:15am - Get up, wash, brush teeth etc
6:20am - Put makeup on (yep, I get up extra early so I have time for this...)
6:45am - Get Squidge up, change his nappy and get him dressed
7:00am - Grab his stuff (bottles, food, change of clothes etc) and head to his Grandparents
7:10am - Drop him off, head to work
7:30am - Hubby drops me off, and heads to work to get there for 8am
4:00pm - Leave work and walk to bus stop
4:15pm - Jump on the bus to head to Squidge's Grandparents
5:10pm - Arrive and give Squidge many squishy hugs :)
5:20pm - Daddy arrives to pick us up
5:50pm - Home, get Squidge's bottle and porridge
6:00pm - Squidge goes to bed
It's been lovely to be able to go to the loo without a screaming baby in tow, and to be able to make a cup of tea, and drink it while it's still hot, not having to hover over the kitchen sink in case I spill the hot lava it is. It's also nice to have the option to pop out at lunch to get chores done, or sit in the chill out area and get some crocheting done :)
Do I wish I was at home with Squidge, hell yes, of course I do, but it's just not possible, so I'm trying not to dwell on that, and instead throw myself into my new routine, which really isn't all that bad. So if you're in a similar position and dreading going back to work after maternity leave, try not to worry too much about it, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you're imagining.
I know I've been terrible with blogging recently too - completely lost my mojo, however, I think it's back so keep your eyes peeled for lots of exciting blog posts coming your way very soon!